The Dynamics of Christian Leadership


If there is any time in history when leadership in Christendom is so vital, it is sure to include the periodic which we now live. It is also noteworthy that early Christians had little of the practical resources available to us now, and yet there is such a lack of quality leaders available today.

God wants to raise up leaders who He can trust and who will make a difference our world today. The principles that I have observed from the scriptures (mainly in the book of Joshua) are relevant not only in leadership within the church ministry but also in our co-operate world, which includes our work places, businesses, homes, classrooms, councils and retail outlets. It is my prayer that you will not only read but practice these principles. If you become a better leader because of application of these principles, then my joy for putting this on paper will be fulfilled. It is my belief that the principles in explored in this handbook do not develop overnight. It is a process and all are necessary to make a good leader. I certainly cannot say that I have qualified in this, but I have noticed a significant improvement in my leadership skills.

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